Toe Problems

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Toe Problems can affect gait, balance and cause pain.

  • Bunions are a bump on the joint at the base of the big toe.

  • If you are suffering from bunions, contact Laser Podiatry Associates for a comprehensive evaluation. Don’t wait! If left untreated, bunions can get larger and cause extreme pain. Laser Podiatry Associates is just a phone call away.
  • Treatment can vary depending on the severity of the bunion. Laser Podiatry Associates can recommend the proper course of action once an evaluation has been conducted.

  • Claw Toe is the result of nerve damage caused by diseases that can weaken the muscles in your foot like diabetes or alcoholism.

  • If you are suffering from pain because of claw toe, contact Laser Podiatry Associates for a comprehensive evaluation. Don’t wait! If left untreated, Claw Toes can become fixed and surgical intervention may be needed. Laser Podiatry Associates is just a phone call away.
  • Treatment can vary depending on the severity of the claw toe. Benjamin and Mullendore can recommend the proper course of action once an evaluation has been conducted.

  • Digital Deformity is an acquired or congenital loss of normal structure or alignment of your toes.

  • If you have a digital deformity, contact Laser Podiatry Associates for a comprehensive evaluation. Don’t wait, Laser Podiatry Associates is just a phone call away.
  • Treatment can vary depending on the severity of the deformity. Laser Podiatry Associates can recommend the proper course of action once an evaluation has been conducted.

  • Hallux Limitus (stiff Big Toe Joint) is when there is loss of motion in your big toe.

  • If you are suffering for limited range of motion in your big toe, contact Laser Podiatry Associates for a comprehensive evaluation. Laser Podiatry Associates is just a phone call away.
  • Treatment can vary depending on the severity of the loss of motion. Laser Podiatry Associates can recommend the proper course of action once an evaluation has been conducted.

  • Hallux Rigidus (Rigid Big Toe) is arthritis in the big toe joint.

  • If you are suffering from pain in the big toe while active, contact Laser Podiatry Associates for a comprehensive evaluation. Don’t fret, Laser Podiatry Associates is just a phone call away.
  • Treatment can vary depending on the severity of the hallux rigidus. Laser Podiatry Associates can recommend the proper course of action once an evaluation has been conducted.

  • Hallux Varus is a condition where the great toe is pointing away from 2nd toe.

  • If you are suffering from pain or ingrown nails from Hallux Varus, contact Laser Podiatry Associates for a comprehensive evaluation. Don’t fret, Laser Podiatry Associates is just a phone call away.
  • Treatment can vary depending on the age of the patient and the severity of the condition. Laser Podiatry Associates can recommend the proper course of action once an evaluation has been conducted.

  • Hammer toe is a contracture or bending of the toe at the first joint. The toes affected can be flexible or rigid.

  • If you are suffering from pain, corn formation, redness or swelling of the toes contact Laser Podiatry Associates for a comprehensive evaluation. Don’t wait! If left untreated, hammer toes tend to become more rigid. Laser Podiatry Associates is just a phone call away.
  • Treatment can vary depending on the age and severity of the patient. Laser Podiatry Associates can recommend the proper course of action once an evaluation has been conducted.

  • Intoeing, also known as pigeon-toe walking, is when feet turn in when walking.

  • If you are concerned about your gait or your child’s gait contact Laser Podiatry Associates for a comprehensive gait and foot evaluation. Laser Podiatry Associates is just a phone call away.
  • Treatment can vary depending on the age of the patient and severity of the gait. Laser Podiatry Associates can recommend the proper course of action once an evaluation has been conducted.

  • Overlapping, Underlapping Toes is a congenital deformity where the 5th toe overlaps the 4th toe or the 3rd, 4th, and/or 5th toe curl under.

  • If you are suffering from this deformity contact Laser Podiatry Associates for a comprehensive evaluation. The earlier the diagnosis the lesser chance the deformity can become rigid. Laser Podiatry Associates is just a phone call away.
  • Treatment can vary depending on the age of the patient and severity of the deformity. Laser Podiatry Associates can recommend the proper course of action once an evaluation has been conducted.

  • Subungual Exostosis (Bone spur under toenail) is a benign bone growth which disturbs the nail plate and causes pain.

  • If you are suffering from a deformation of the nail plate or a soft, pink to red isolated mass on your toe, contact Laser Podiatry Associates for a comprehensive evaluation. Don’t fret, Laser Podiatry Associates is just a phone call away.
  • Treatment can vary depending on the severity of the deformation. Laser Podiatry Associates can recommend the proper course of action once an evaluation has been conducted.

  • Turf Toe is a sprain to the ligaments around the big toe joint.

  • If you are suffering from pain, tenderness and swelling of the great toe joint, contact Laser Podiatry Associates for a comprehensive evaluation. Don’t fret, Laser Podiatry Associates is just a phone call away.
  • Treatment can vary depending on the severity and grade of the injury. Laser Podiatry Associates can recommend the proper course of action once an evaluation has been conducted.